May the fizz be with you: how a $10 Chilean beer ad took on Star Wars

Plus, Daisy Ridley to Read 'Star Wars' Script "Next Month"

In a galaxy where destinies are intertwined, Star Wars Newsletter is your storyteller.

In today’s newsletter

  • May the fizz be with you: how a $10 Chilean beer ad took on Star Wars

  • ‘Star Wars’ actor at San Antonio’s Superhero Comic-Con

  • Daisy Ridley to Read 'Star Wars' Script "Next Month"

  • and more…

Punch it Chewie!




Fan Fiction Friday

This week we are featuring Kodafenn, an upcoming writer who has several Star Wars works! Here’s an excerpt from one of their works:

Only a few more to go. Just a few more accurate hits from the experienced rebel pilot and the base would be completely disarmed. A loud explosion could be heard after Luke hit the bull's eye of a large military weapon on the roof of the base, created to blast ships out of the sky. Proud with himself he once again turned his X-Wing around for the next attack. "Still got it." He complimented his ego. Artoo made encouraging and happy beeps behind him from the roof of the ship. "You too of course, Artoo." He reassured as the droid had been a good help in aiming at the right targets.

With his hands at the ship's targeting systems, he made himself ready for another blow. However, before he could press the firing button, something had hit the X-Wing. The ship was pushed off course and shook terribly… click here to read for free


Until Tomorrow!


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