Unmasking the Mystery: The Intense Grudge of Jango Fett Against the Jedi

Plus, why we think you should give Clone Wars another chance...

Today is Friday, September 1st, 2023 and did you know that the character’s name C-3PO is short for Cyborg 3 Protocol?

Here’s your 3 minutes of what’s going on in the Cantina

In Today’s email:

  • Why Did Jango Fett Hate the Jedi?

  • Haters Gonna Hate - Why We Love The Clone Wars Movie

  • A Rewarding Review - 'Star Wars: Bounty Hunters'

  • and more…

Punch it Chewie!

Star Wars Trivia:

Who is the black market droidsmith Poe knows on Kijimi?

Reply to this email with the correct answer and earn a point. Points get you cool SW swag.

Star Wars in the news

From the Star Wars community

We have a creator strong with the woodworking skills! mycousinmos shared a Star Destroyer coffee table, which looks absolutely stunning. It really captures the essence of the Empire's might.

This guy works with the empire. We’re considering launching a GoFundMe to help this guy work on some projects for the rebellion.

May the sawdust be with you, mycousinmos!

Star Wars media/games

Fan Fiction Friday

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